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Let’s make Maharashtra the world’s envy.

Vowed for Spirit of Maharashtra,
Pledged for Hindavi Swarajya !

Mi Maharashtracha,
Maharashtra Majha !

Agitations and Welfare Programmes

The primary objective in front of Maharashtra Navanirman Sena is to create a farsighted model of development and to implement it via political power to keep Maharashtra at the forefront in each area.

Marathi Pride

Maharashtra Navnirman Sena is committed to the cause of Undivided State of Maharashtra, to the enrichment of Marathi language.

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Employment for the Native Peoples

Maharashtra Navnirman Sena is constantly vigilant and committed for the lawful rights of the native people.

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Presentation of the Development

Raj saheb pioneered in the whole country in using a new method of presentation of development works during election campaigns.

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Civic Issues

Maharashtra Navnirman Sena is determined on fervently solving civilian problems in municipal corporations.

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Fight for Celebration of Hindu Festivals

Indian culture is a confluence of Hindu culture and many streams joining it. if anyone challenges this by hoodlumism, we will not spare them.

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Students’ Movements

The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena President Shri. Raj Saheb Thackeray himself too is a leadership born of the students’ movement.

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Welfare Programmes

Various Social-Cultural events are organised by the party like health camps, Art Exhibitions, Pathani Mahotsav, Misal Mahotsav, etc.

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Mega Marches

We have followed the legal tracks of dialogue and symposium at a larger scale as compared to other political parties.

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Kicking out Pakistani Performers

Why are performing artists from such an ‘impious’ (“Na-Pak”) country are invited to India?

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Disaster Relief Work

MNS leader Shri. Amit Thackeray distributed 10,000 facemasks and PPE Kits for doctors and medical staff treating COVID-19 patients.

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Upcoming Events

Gudhi Padwa Rally

22nd March 2023
‘Shivtirtha’, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Park, Dadar, mumbai

Official social media platforms of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena

Head Office : Maharashtra Navnirman Sena

2nd Floor, Matoshree Towers, Padmabai Thakkar Marg, Matunga (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400016.

Maharashtra Navnirman Sena

Head Office : 2nd Floor, Matoshree Towers, Padmabai Thakkar Marg, Matunga (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400016.

© 2020 All Rights Reserved. Maharashtra Navnirman Sena.